
The Creator of all things made human beings with one ultimate intention: that they would receive His great love and know their great worth, and give that love and worth to others in turn. Knowing we’re loved, and that we have a place in the Creator’s heart where we belong – is the light in our darkness, the rest from our wanderings, the solution to our crises. This love has the power to set us free from the frantic quest to secure an identity for ourselves. For as we face our Maker, we find that identity is a gift – a gift to be treasured … and protected.

“No one and Nothing names themselves! … Every true name is a gift, given by a Good Father. It’s the only way to really know you’re loved.” ~The King’s Gift

Even the way the Creator designed the creation speaks to this fact: we were not made with the capacity to see or know our own faces (especially the color and brightness of our eyes) except with the help of a mirror of some sort. This speaks to a deeper reality: that we were made without the capacity to know ourselves except in being known by another. And the only “other” who can reveal to us our true identity is the Creator Himself. And this One willingly gives identity to all who seek him.

