“Every true name is a gift, given by a Good Father. It’s the only way to really know you’re loved.”
~ The King’s Gift
At Risk
Children are our great treasure, responsibility, and trust. They are the future of our world…. And they are entirely vulnerable. Ready to believe anything we tell them, they look to us.
As adults, expertise and strength are given to us that we might have favor with the vulnerable and help them. But what if, ignorant of the actual enemy, we feed them to it instead of save them from it?
Chaos reigns in and around us - in places where we just know Peace ought to exist. And so we assume someone is to blame - and fight each other, to no end. But could there be an invisible enemy, ruling this darkness, manipulating us to fight each other instead of IT? We need the Light. How can we fight the right fight if we don’t SEE the real villain?
Children are born to be named. Not cast out to sea on a voyage of so-called self-discovery, and wished good luck. In telling them they are “free” to find their own identity - we abandon them to a kind of isolation that the human heart was never meant to bear.
Do you hear them crying:
The Father is not distant nor removed from the despair of his children. With the jealousy of a lover, he has fought - and will fight again - to win them BACK.
Self will never be the place we find ourselves.
We must be known, be loved, be named, and belong to a Father….
to find Ourselves.
Amy Marie Dresser
Amy Marie Dresser has found that she belongs to Another, and in His Eyes is a Love that is better than Life. She believes this Belonging is the answer to a generation’s frantic quest for identity. With a Masters in Biblical Exegesis from Wheaton College, she weaves deep theological truth into every page of her story.